The Woman of Influence

The Woman of Influence


Welcome to Create with Elyse, a sanctuary for your transformation and manifestation journey. I’m Elyse, your dedicated guide, ready to help you navigate the incredible world of self-discovery and unlock the boundless potential that resides within you. In each episode, we embark on a captivating exploration of the art of creation. Whether you’re looking to transform pain into purpose, chaos into clarity, or rewrite the story of your soul, this is your sacred space to explore, learn, and grow.

Recent Episodes

  • How do you work with your triggers to raise your vibration (13th Oct FB Live)

    10 months ago
  • Splitting Realities & Parallel Universe (12th Oct FB Livestream)

    10 months ago
  • The Bright and Shiny Object Syndrome (11th Oct FB Livestream)

    10 months ago
  • Past Life Healing (10th Oct FB Livestream)

    10 months ago
  • What do you do when you feel like nothing is happening - Weekly Forecast Reading (9th - 14th Oct)

    10 months ago
  • Your Body: The Unconscious Mind - How Changing Your Emotions Transforms Your Vibration

    10 months ago
  • Healing The Spiritual Entrepreneur's Abandonment Wounds

    11 months ago
  • How the Akashic Masters Can Help You Make Better Decisions

    11 months ago
  • Journey Through the Akashic Records: Unveiling the Masters and Lords of Karma

    11 months ago
  • Why it's ok to Get Angry with God

    11 months ago