The Total Package Podcast
by Sherrina L.
March 10, 2023 11:00 am
This podcast is my thinking and processing, out loud, LIFE concepts related to the lived experiences of Black/African Americans from MY Pro- Black, Pan African perspective. A space of questioning life to discover its Truths, Logic, & Facts. It’s time to HEAL🖤✊🏿 Please feel free to comment/leave a message! 😊 #IWantToSeeAfricanBabiesBorn #IWantUSHereUntilTheEndOfTime #itsreallycrazytome #makeitmakesense #PURPOSE #itsbiggerthanme #100000generationsahead #itspossible #itwasntawaysthisway #questionthings #shiftyourmentality #changeyourunderstanding #changeyourreality #thereispurpose #LLP
Recent Episodes
FOOD/NUTRITIONALLY Institutionalized
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2 years agoKwanzaa 2022: Day 5 Nia (PURPOSE)
2 years agoKwanzaa 2022: Day 4 Ujamaa (COPERATIVE ECOMINICS)
2 years agoThe Legacy Lie of Christmas
2 years agoKwanzaa 2022: Day 3 Ujima (COLLECTIVE WORK AND RESPONSIBILITY)
2 years ago