The Shit Women Can’t Say

The Shit Women Can’t Say


Ladies, why do we filter ourselves? Our words, our stories, all the shit that makes us oh so human when those are the things that connect us.

The question is, why do we choose to limit that? Especially when we see, time and time again, how using our words, telling our stories and sharing our shit is so healing, so connecting, and the very essence of what makes this shit show we call life so damn worth it.

Let’s stop living so quietly, so softly, and let’s start relishing, appreciating, and embodying the divine power of our voices.

This podcast is for YOU. We’re removing the filter. Breaking down the barriers. Eliminating the shame. Our mission is to empower, connect and say alllll the things… All the things , as women, feel we shouldn’t say and wouldn’t say….

This is The Shit Women Can’t Say.

Join us as we speak candidly and unapologetically about all the things we don’t say or feel we can’t say as women.

We hope this podcast will reach a collection of women far and wide so please subscribe, like, comment, and share to your hearts content. We are all in this shit show together.

Recent Episodes

  • Episode Seven: Drop in the Mental Load Bucket

    1 year ago
  • Episode SIX: Imperfect Confidence

    1 year ago
  • Episode Five: More Than A Shattered Pickle Jar

    2 years ago
  • Episode Four: Panties (Tidbits of Shit #1)

    2 years ago
  • Episode Three: Sex - Feast or Famine

    2 years ago
  • Episode Two: What to Actually Expect When You're Expecting

    2 years ago
  • Episode One: Married Single Parents

    2 years ago
  • The Shit Women Can't Say Trailer

    2 years ago