Storm Your Way To Health

Storm Your Way To Health


She Awakened the podcast is here to empower you to awaken your divine feminine power and create the heart led life that you’re truly here for ✨⚡️ If you’re a perfectionist, overachiever, burnt out entrepreneur or a modern day black sheep sick of the 9-5 grind and the same old bullsh*t, this podcast is for you. Tune in weekly for episodes that will awaken your divine feminine, expand your mind, open your heart, simplify doing the ‘inner work’ and empower you to create the soul led life you’re truly here for. It’s time to rise into your power, purpose and authenticity 🤍

Recent Episodes

  • Following The Nudges - Getting Off IG, Exploring Thailand & Surrendering to The Universe's Plans

    8 months ago
  • The Sacral Chakra - Chakra Alchemy Series

    1 year ago
  • The Root Chakra - Chakra Alchemy Series

    1 year ago
  • Trusting The Journey When You're Ebbing Or Entering A New Season In Life

    1 year ago
  • Chakra Alchemy - What The Chakras Are, How To Unblock Them AND How To Use Your Chakras To Manifest

    1 year ago
  • When You Should Vs Should NOT Invest In Yourself

    1 year ago
  • What It REALLY Takes To Deepen Your Confidence & Self Belief

    1 year ago
  • If You’re Wanting MORE From Life

    1 year ago
  • Alchemising The Fear & Shame Towards Failure

    1 year ago
  • What Your ‘Dharma’ Is & The 3 Main Things To Consider If You're Discovering Your Purpose

    1 year ago