She Means Goals

She Means Goals


Tune into With Love, Addie every Sunday as she leaves you with a little something to end the week. Think of it as a love note. She uses this podcast as a way to give her loving, yet honest opinion on things that may (or may not) have helped her on her own journey as a 20 something year old. If you’re looking for someone to relate to when you’re in the good, the bad, AND the messy middle while being in your 20s, this is the podcast for you!

Recent Episodes

  • Winter Blues

    8 months ago
  • Having fun isn’t only for the weekends!!

    9 months ago
  • Navigating Loneliness, Emotional Dumping, & New/Fading Friendships

    10 months ago
  • Changing Seasons

    10 months ago
  • Being in Your Tunnel Vision Era: Navigating Loneliness & Wanting Instant Gratification

    1 year ago
  • Idk Wtf I'm Doing: Tips to Navigating your 20's + Updates

    1 year ago
  • Building Resilience: 3 Tips that will Help you Bounce Back from Failures and Setbacks

    1 year ago
  • Changing the BS Stories We Tell Ourselves

    1 year ago
  • Authenticity & Trusting in your Vision

    1 year ago
  • Being More Intentional with your Time & Productivity Hacks

    1 year ago