I’m So Glad You Asked

I’m So Glad You Asked


I’m so glad you asked is a twice monthly interview podcast hosted by Mary Kruse (@mtheresafaith31), a Chicago based artist and story catcher. What started out as a desire to hear the untold stories behind the women and friends in her life has developed into a beautiful space for all individuals to safely share the stories that shape them. I am so glad you asked: Everyone has a story and I want to hear yours.

Recent Episodes

  • Common Threads

    1 month ago
  • The Women Who Raised Me

    4 months ago
  • Soil Cool

    5 months ago
  • The Romanian Cracker Jack box

    5 months ago
  • Small Miracles

    6 months ago
  • Never Give Up Girl

    6 months ago
  • Captain of my Soul

    7 months ago
  • Feminism is not a dirty word

    7 months ago
  • The Duality of Harmony

    8 months ago
  • I just want someone to listen

    8 months ago