
The GIRLBRAVE podcast is a platform for young women to share their stories of courage, strength, and resilience. Through the podcast, young women are able to gain perspective and insight into the experiences of their peers and learn how to navigate life’s challenges. The podcast features stories from young women who are trying new things, learning what courage means to them, and navigating the path to adulthood.The podcast helps to foster a community of support, understanding, and positivity. This is a platform for girls to share their stories, be heard, and receive encouragement from peers. If you are a teen with a story you want to share, contact to share your story.GIRLBRAVE is a podcast created by artist, Jen Landis.

Recent Episodes

  • 17-Year-Old Author Debuts Children’s Book About Connecting With Family, Even When They Are No Longer With Us

    12 months ago
  • How to Train Your Dragon (Brain) & To Not Worry About What Others Think of You

    1 year ago
  • Celebrate Your Wins

    1 year ago
  • 3 Easy Ways Can Start Romanticizing Your Life!

    2 years ago
  • Meet Eva! She’s a writer, artist, singer, dancer, actor with a creative imagination!

    2 years ago
  • Meet Presley: A 10 year old Cub Scout, Artist and Entrepreneur

    2 years ago
  • Guided Meditation for Better Self Esteem

    2 years ago
  • Meet Teresa Melvin, a 13 year old NFT artist of her characters AvaRamona

    2 years ago
  • Meet Miss Sara Mora, a courageous immigrant rights activist and storyteller.

    2 years ago
  • Meet Elsbeth, a 36 year old who loves comics, sci-fi and space!

    2 years ago