For The Girls

For The Girls


For the girls who want more in life and are ready to start asking for it. Get ready to raise the bar, stop settling for the bare minimum, and start believing you can have it all– higher standards, abundance, success, deeper self love + care, and a stronger mindset. Victoria covers topics from dating and relationships, to entrepreneurship and work ethic, to friendships, self reflection and everyday life advice. Her goal is to help women embody undeniable confidence and show up as the 2.0 version of themselves through it all. New episodes are released every Monday to keep you up to date weekly on becoming the best version of you. Victoria’s website:

Recent Episodes

  • FLASHBACK FRIDAY: TRAUMA: What It Is, How To Identify It, and How To Overcome It

    6 days ago
  • From Lost To Saved: Postpartum, Motherhood & Restarting Your Relationship, with Ally Munch

    1 week ago
  • FLASHBACK FRIDAY: If You Don't Have Confidence, Have COURAGE.

    2 weeks ago
  • Is Your Partner Emotionally Unavailable?

    2 weeks ago
  • FLASHBACK FRIDAY: You NEED To Forgive Yourself

    3 weeks ago
  • Start Implementing Boundaries & Stop Being A People Pleaser

    3 weeks ago
  • FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Failure Is Part Of The Process

    4 weeks ago

    1 month ago
  • FLASHBACK FRIDAY: A Closed Mouth Doesn’t Get Fed

    1 month ago
  • Wellness For Every BODY, with Josie Santi, Host of The Everygirl Podcast

    1 month ago