Brave New Women hosted by Cecilia Poullain

Brave New Women hosted by Cecilia Poullain


Podcast in English et en français. All around the world there are ordinary women doing extraordinary things. Brave New Woman is about giving those women a platform and a voice. It’s about helping change the way in which women are perceived and it’s about inspiring us all to do what we have always wanted to do. Partout dans le monde, il y a des femmes ordinaires qui font des choses extraordinaires. Brave New Woman donne à ces femmes une plate-forme et une voix. Il aide à changer la façon dont les femmes sont perçues dans le monde et il nous inspire à faire ce que nous avons toujours voulu faire.

Webinar: “How to Speak Up, Be Promoted and Get Paid”:

Recent Episodes

  • Transforming Futures: Charlotte Oloya's Journey with School for Life in Uganda

    6 months ago
  • "No Ordinary Assignment": Jane Ferguson's Extraordinary Journey as a War Correspondent

    11 months ago
  • Connect great people to do great things with Sherry Shannon-Vanstone

    1 year ago
  • Public speaking with ease for introverted women with Julia Kraft

    1 year ago
  • Pushing against cultural traditions with Lilian Sue

    2 years ago
  • Why women sabotage other women with Jennifer Hicks

    2 years ago
  • Indian railways with Sheena Simpson

    2 years ago
  • Growing up in postwar Central London with author J M Philips

    2 years ago
  • Reducing orphaned wells methane emissions with Staci Taruscio and Brooke Swain

    2 years ago
  • De la psychologie à directrice de laboratoire au CNRS avec Claudine Herzlich

    2 years ago