Queen Made of Light- The Podcast!

Queen Made of Light- The Podcast!


Ciara Alyse Harris is a singer/actor in her twenties. While she’s not singing on a stage for hundreds of audience members, she’s sharing her personal experiences through her advice-giving blog “Queen Made of Light” whose purpose is to remind her readers of their innate power and how they are fully capable of finding their own light in the darkness. In this podcast we’re taking it to a deeper level. Ciara is a strong mental health advocate and invites guests to share their perspective about topics such as anxiety, relationships, being an artist, and learning how to love yourself where you are and where you are going. Illuminating strength, one episode at a time.

Recent Episodes

  • Vincent Jamal Hooper on Living a Life of Alignment

    4 months ago
  • Actors on Actors with Emilie Kouatchou

    5 months ago
  • Deconstructing the "Waiting Season"

    5 months ago
  • Give Yourself the Gift of Grace This Season

    8 months ago
  • Another Year Around the Sun: What I've Learned

    8 months ago
  • How to Trust in the Timing of Your Own Life

    8 months ago
  • How to Navigate Burnout and Change Your Relationship to Rest

    9 months ago
  • The art of being satisfied

    9 months ago
  • Finding the Courage to Fail

    9 months ago
  • How to Have Confidence in Spaces You Have No Business Being Confident In

    9 months ago