Recent Shiurim from Yeshivas Ohr Reuven

Recent Shiurim from Yeshivas Ohr Reuven


Listen to all the new shiurim that occur at Yeshivas Ohr Reuven. We will be posting new lectures daily from various speakers including the rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Betzalel Rudinsky. To view our extensive archive of older classes and get more shiurim visit us at For sponsorship and questions email us at

Recent Episodes

  • Divrei Hesped at Levaya of Mrs. Hanna Kalish A"H

    3 days ago
  • Parshas Balak

    4 days ago
  • Parshas Balak - Understanding that a Blessing from Bilam is Truly a Curse

    4 days ago
  • Parshas Balak - A New Level of Antisemitism

    4 days ago
  • How Many People are Needed to Daven to Create Tefilla Betzibur

    5 days ago
  • Reading Letters and Newspapers on Shabbos

    5 days ago
  • Music in the 3 Weeks Part 2

    6 days ago
  • Music in the 3 Weeks Part 1

    1 week ago
  • Parshas Chukas - Parah Adumah: Giving to Others is the Foundation of Self-Growth

    1 week ago
  • Parshas Chukas

    1 week ago