Faith Angle
by The Aspen Institute
October 24, 2024 8:23 am
Faith Angle brings together top scholars and leading journalists for smart conversations around some of the most profound questions in the public square. Rather than a current-events debrief, our goal is a substantive conversation one notch beneath the surface, drawing out how religious convictions manifest themselves in American culture and public life.
Recent Episodes
Brad Fulton and Amber Hacker: Religion & American Philanthropy
3 weeks agoKnox Thames and Jaweed Kaleem on Religious Freedom
2 months agoEliza Griswold and David French on "Circle of Hope”
3 months agoElizabeth Oldfield and Damir Marusic: "Fully Alive" in a Post-Christian World
4 months agoLeading Insights from the 2024 Michael Cromartie Forum
5 months agoBrad Wilcox and Isabel Sawhill: On Marriage
6 months agoJohn Inazu and Matthew Kaminski: Learning to Disagree
8 months agoThe Exvangelicals: Sarah McCammon and Ruth Graham
8 months agoMichael Wear and Tim Alberta: The Spirit of Our Politics
10 months agoElizabeth Bruenig and Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac: Advent in the Holy Land
11 months ago