SET FREE SISTERHOOD- Mindset and Over drinking Coach -Thriving Alcohol Free- Faith Filled Women

SET FREE SISTERHOOD- Mindset and Over drinking Coach -Thriving Alcohol Free- Faith Filled Women


Stop Drinking and Create the Life You Love! Hey Sister! Do you find yourself saying, “I need to get control of my drinking?” Do you google “How to know if I’m drinking too much” or “Am I an alcoholic?” Feeling stressed most of the time? Is your health going downhill and it makes you feel like crap? Is your anxiety through the roof, so much that you wake up at 3am with your heart racing and thinking negative thoughts about yourself? You hide it well. Not many people know. You show up for work, you workout (sometimes), you walk around with a smile on your face for the world to see and meanwhile you think… I wish I was a better mom… I want to be a better person. What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I just quit? Yet you still crave that next drink, feel like a failure, and sometimes you wonder who you’ve become. You are sick of this cycle with alcohol and you wish you could get your drinking under control. Girl, I see you and I get you! I’m Michelle Porterfield, a Stop Over Drinking and Transormational Results Coach. For so many years I experienced all of this. I was so afraid of what my life would look like alcohol-free. How would I have fun? What would I tell everyone? How would I travel without a drink in my hand? How would I handle stress? I got to a point where I was sick of being stuck. I had tried to stop drinking and I had failed too many times. I made the choice to choose something different – me. It wasn’t easy, it took surrender, daily awareness, new routines, getting honest with myself, and learning to actually feel my emotions instead of stuffing them down… oh…and lots of grace. Friend, it was so worth it. My life was truly transformed on the other side of drinking. And yours can be too. Here‘s the deal: Drinking less is just the first step! I believe that‘s why it can be scary. We know deep down there’s more. Once we see what’s underneath the alcohol, true freedom is found. I am here to help you do just that. So if you’re ready to get out of the daily cycle that leads you to drink, learn why you do the things you do and how to change them, calm your anxiety, cultivate healthy relationships, love and value yourself again, reignite your faith, and create a life of fulfillment. Then now is your time Sister! Let’s do this. Watch the FREE Masterclass: Email at Come join the FB Sisterhood – Sign up for the course and get support now:

Recent Episodes

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