Noted By Natasha and Friends
by Natasha Shorts
March 31, 2021 9:00 pm
I LOVE deep conversations. The kind that makes you question God, wonder about your purpose, encourage you to seek Him out, laugh until your stomach hurts, and just be challenged to be who God called you to be. I’ve had the privilege of being apart of a number of conversations like this with friends from all over the country and world. But I am always saying, “Everyone else needs to hear this!” Well, now you can. What started as a blog to encourage single Christian women is now a podcast! Join me as I talk with my friends about the REAL in EVERY area life and how God meets us all in it.
Recent Episodes
#13 I Love My Crown: Ashley's O. Hair Journey
4 years ago#12 Rodgers and Hammerstein Cinderella Part 2
4 years ago#11 Rodgers and Hammerstein Cinderella is On Disney Plus!!!!!!
4 years ago#10 Redeeming the Broken View of Strong Women
4 years ago#9 The Beauty of Strong Women
4 years ago#8 Sexy or Modesty: What is Honoring to God? with Melanie Best
4 years ago#7 The Church, Women, and Everything in Between with Melanie Best
4 years ago#6.5 Where Have I Been?
4 years ago#6 Shoot Your Shot Sis with Vendjihonga Katjaimo
4 years ago#5 7 Things They Don't Tell You Before You Graduate College
4 years ago