Unitarian Church of Los Alamos

Unitarian Church of Los Alamos


Sermons by the Rev. Tina DeYoe and guests.
At the Unitarian Church of Los Alamos, Our minds, hearts and doors are open. Enter a community of compassion and inquiry. Venture out to shape a just, sustainable world.
We celebrate diversity of belief and seek unity in action. We are an inclusive, caring community that nourishes and challenges the heart and mind. People of all ages find a haven for spiritual and intellectual exploration and artistic expression. Living our Seven Principles, we bring justice and compassion to our congregation, the community, and the world. We are a beacon of hope.
Los Alamos, New Mexico is a small mountain community of approximately 18,000 people one hour from Santa Fe. The church is part of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Pacific Western Region. Our congregation is midsize, with about 150 active members and about 100 friends. Our church year typically starts in the middle of August and goes into the first week of June. During the summer, we invite many outside speakers to explore a whole range of topics of general interest to the public.

Recent Episodes

  • (Inter)Dependence

    3 months ago
  • Embracing Slow Time

    4 months ago
  • What Saves Us?

    4 months ago
  • Book Your Cruise on the Ship of Theseus Today!

    4 months ago
  • Can a Science Flood Story Inspire Us as Much as the One by Noah? OR How Long Can You Tread Water?

    5 months ago
  • Retreat. Recharge. Return

    5 months ago
  • You Keep Using That Word. I Do Not Think it Means What You Think it Means.

    5 months ago
  • Up Close and Personal

    6 months ago
  • Democracy as a Spiritual Practice

    6 months ago
  • Universal. Unconditional.

    6 months ago