Fourth Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Westchester

Fourth Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Westchester


Recordings of Sunday Services, from Mohegan Lake, NY – We are a caring and inclusive spiritual community of children, youth, and adults who honor differences and support open-minded spiritual exploration and ethical development. We celebrate life, nurture each other, and provide support in loving and open-hearted acceptance. We commit ourselves to social justice through action in our local community and the larger world. Rev. Lane L. Cobb, Minister

Recent Episodes

  • Ten Things I Have Learned in My 80 Years - Marge A. Grimm

    6 months ago
  • Season of Advent – The Dark and the Light - Rev. Lane L. Cobb

    6 months ago
  • Open Arms for Refugees - Gretchen Allene Grimm

    6 months ago
  • Convenanting for Change and a Future Filled with Hope - Rev. Lane L. Cobb

    6 months ago
  • Calling In The Calling Out Culture - Rev. Lane L. Cobb

    6 months ago
  • In The Flow - Rev. Lane Cobb

    6 months ago
  • Welcome Home - Rev. Lane L. Cobb

    6 months ago
  • Artificial Intelligence - Ralph Wood

    6 months ago
  • Where No (Hu)Man Has Gone Before

    6 months ago
  • Journey Group - Humor

    6 months ago