Village S.D.A. Audio

Village S.D.A. Audio


This platform was created to make available presentations from the Village Seventh Day Adventist Church in audio format.

Recent Episodes

  • The Coming Messiah I Dr. Conrad Vine

    3 weeks ago
  • The Making Of The Wise And The Foolish I Pr. Dennis Page

    3 weeks ago
  • A Pillar of Adventism I Pr. Junior Vertus

    3 weeks ago
  • God is Judge I Dr. Conrad Vine

    3 weeks ago
  • The Heart of a Leader I Pr. Ron Kelly

    3 weeks ago
  • The Offer Still Stands | Pastor Ron Kelly

    2 months ago
  • Awake & Watchful | Pastor Michael Kusarawana

    2 months ago
  • From Stuck to Unstuck | Pastor Ron Kelly

    2 months ago
  • The Shackleton Effect | Pr. Ron Kelly

    3 months ago
  • "God on Strike" | Pastor Ron Kelly

    3 months ago