Village Church Q&A

Village Church Q&A


Join pastors and leaders at Village Church of Bartlett as they answer your questions about theology, the church, and today’s hot topics. No subject is off limits. You ask hard questions. We promise to answer them.

Recent Episodes

  • S3 E7: Why Does the Catholic Bible Have Extra Books?

    1 year ago
  • S3 E6: Why Do Catholics Believe in Transubstantiation?

    1 year ago
  • S3 E5: How Do I Share the Gospel With a Roman Catholic?

    1 year ago
  • S3 E4: What Are the Seven Sacraments in Roman Catholicism?

    1 year ago
  • S3 E3: Do Roman Catholics Believe That Water Baptism Saves You?

    1 year ago
  • S3 E2: Is the Treasury of Merit in Roman Catholicism Biblical?

    1 year ago
  • S3 E1: Do Roman Catholics Preach a False Gospel?

    1 year ago
  • S3 E0: Understanding Roman Catholicism

    1 year ago
  • S1 E39 If I Find Myself Doubting, What Should I Do?

    3 years ago
  • S1 E38 What Should I Look for in a Church Regarding Social Justice?

    3 years ago