Verse By Verse Bible Study Podcast

Verse By Verse Bible Study Podcast


Join us as we study God’s infallible word, verse by verse. The Verse By Verse Podcast contains expositional preaching through the entire Bible. Each half hour lesson is added about once per week. These lessons seek to show the symbolism of the Old Testament fulfilled in Christ, the progression of the dispensations, and the practical application of God’s word to the life of the believer. The main Sunday morning message from the Friendship Congregational Bible Church in Friendship, Wisconsin is also uploaded weekly.

Recent Episodes

  • The Church At Antioch

    8 years ago
  • The Importance of the Resurrection - Part 2

    8 years ago
  • The Importance of the Resurrection - Part 1

    8 years ago
  • No Difference

    8 years ago
  • Peter and the Household of Cornelius

    8 years ago
  • Saul Escapes in a Basket

    8 years ago
  • Saul's Baptism

    8 years ago
  • Saul the Blasphemer

    8 years ago
  • The Road To Damascus

    8 years ago
  • The Ethiopian Eunuch - Part 2

    8 years ago