Vegas Valley Follow Him

Vegas Valley Follow Him


A podcast for those in the Las Vegas based Central Church family. Join Pastor Nick Bodine and guests as they discuss ways to follow after Jesus.

Recent Episodes

  • Q&A - "How Do I Start Reading the Bible?"

    6 months ago
  • Q&A - "How Does Jesus Change Who I Am?"

    11 months ago
  • Q&A - "If God already has a plan, should I still pray?"

    1 year ago
  • Q&A- “How do I know my decision to follow Jesus worked?”

    1 year ago
  • Q&A - "How do I help my kids love the church?"

    1 year ago
  • Q&A - "Why does God let bad things happen to good people?"

    1 year ago
  • Q&A - "Why do we worship?"

    1 year ago
  • Q&A - "How do I tell my family that I'm a Christian?"

    2 years ago
  • Q&A - "I've given my life to Jesus, should I start to see a change?"

    2 years ago
  • Q&A - "I decided to follow Jesus, so what now?"

    2 years ago