The DNA Series | Redemption City Church

The DNA Series | Redemption City Church


Aiming to provide the richest of content that guides you to not only growing a deeper understanding of who God is, but also to a life transformed through Christ, in a way you have never experienced before. This is your opportunity to join our church…no matter where you are at!

In today’s sermon, Pastor Brandon talks about how our Bible came to be and why it matters for Christians both spiritually and evangelistically in their discipleship. So as we begin to take our next step towards rediscovering Christianity in a way that ushers us into a relationship with Jesus that is radically present, deeply true, and vastly satisfying, we will need to turn our attention to a conversation that many people want to have in the Church; yet often find no safe place to explore; while many others are either too disinterested or intimated to engage with the conversation in the first place. Today, Pastor Brandon aims to help you push back against darkness and doubt that could be roadblocking you, as we prepare for future topics in this life changing series.

Recent Episodes

  • RCS Series Part 2 | The Role of Scriptures (Segment A) - The Canonicity of the Bible & Trusting God’s Revelation of Himself…

    2 years ago
  • RCS Series Part 1 | Discovering our Redemptive Lenses

    2 years ago
  • The Called Vs The Crowd Two Groups With Very Very Different Destinies

    3 years ago
  • PASTOR’S CORNER No. 5 | Transitioning Our Church Well

    3 years ago
  • CHRISTMAS 2020 | Christ in Bethlehem

    4 years ago
  • PASTOR’S CORNER No. 4 | Pastor Jacks Calling and Ministry Story

    4 years ago
  • PASTOR’S CORNER No. 3 | A Discussion On The Oldie But Goodie Sermon Series

    4 years ago
  • PASTOR’S CORNER No. 2 | Spiritual gifts & Being simply yet supernaturally yourself

    4 years ago
  • PASTOR’S CORNER No. 1 | Dealing With Anxiety During the Coronavirus

    4 years ago
  • VISION SUNDAY No. 2 | Sowing Into Our Present to Reap The Blessings That God Has for RCC

    5 years ago