Restoration Community Church of Houston

Restoration Community Church of Houston


Restoration Community Church is a non-denominational church located in the South Union/OST community of Houston, Tx. As a local church our mission is to rebuild the lives of individuals, families, and community through the love of Jesus Christ.

Recent Episodes

  • All Things Work Together

    4 years ago
  • Humility, Gentleness, & Patience

    4 years ago
  • Am I Lord?

    4 years ago
  • Becoming More Like Christ Pt 1

    4 years ago
  • Kingdom ROI

    4 years ago
  • A Good Work

    4 years ago
  • Family Matters

    4 years ago
  • Overcoming Conflict

    4 years ago
  • Racial Reconciliation

    4 years ago
  • God Provides Pt 2

    5 years ago