Progressive Baptist Church Podcast

Progressive Baptist Church Podcast


Welcome to the weekly podcast of Progressive Baptist Church with Pastor and Author, Dr. Charlie Dates. To learn more about how you can begin or deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ, visit us at

Recent Episodes

  • "The Overwhelming, Never-Ending, Reckless Love of God" Luke 15:11-32| Pastor Charlie Dates

    1 month ago
  • "He Came For Me" Luke 15:1-10| Pastor Charlie Dates | Progressive Chicago

    2 months ago
  • "Divine Disruption"Mark 5:1-20 | Pastor Dr. Nicole Massie Martin | Progressive Chicago

    2 months ago
  • “Running on Empty" Acts 1:8 | Pastor Charlie Dates | Progressive Chicago

    2 months ago
  • "Momma Knows Best… or Does She?" Genesis 25:20-23| Pastor Charlie Dates | Progressive Chicago

    2 months ago
  • "If You See Something, Say Something" Luke 24:36-49| Pastor Charlie Dates | Progressive Chicago

    2 months ago
  • "He Came to See About Me" JOHN 21 :1-14 NASB| Pastor Charlie Dates | Progressive Chicago

    2 months ago
  • "He Made A Believer Out of Me" John 20:24-29 | Pastor Charlie Dates | Progressive Chicago

    2 months ago
  • "Only God Can Judge Me" Matthew 27:19 | Pastor Jamal Johnson | Progressive Chicago

    2 months ago
  • "How To Handle A Sad Day" Luke 24:13-27| Pastor Charlie Dates | Progressive

    2 months ago