Pastor Daniel Batarseh | Maranatha Bible Church – Chicago

Pastor Daniel Batarseh | Maranatha Bible Church – Chicago


Daniel Batarseh is the Teaching Pastor at MBC Chicago. Website: Follow us to remain connected: – Facebook: – Instagram: – TikTok: – YouTube: To Support This Ministry: – Zelle to: – Web: – Venmo: – PayPal: Church Services: – Sunday Service @ 1pm – Friday Bible Study @ 7pm – Wednesday Prayer @ 7pm

Recent Episodes

  • Wake Up & Stay Awake | Mark 13:33-37 | Pastor Daniel Batarseh (Gospel of Mark Series)

    2 weeks ago
  • 1 Kings 21 (Part 1) Bible Study (Naboth's Vineyard) | Pastor Daniel Batarseh

    2 weeks ago
  • Why Did Jesus Not Know the Day or the Hour? | Mark 13:32 | Pastor Daniel Batarseh (Gospel of Mark)

    2 weeks ago
  • 1 Kings 20 (Part 2) Bible Study (A Prophet Condemns Ben-hadad's Release) | Pastor Daniel Batarseh

    2 weeks ago
  • Learn From The Fig Tree | Mark 13:28-31 | Pastor Daniel Batarseh (Gospel of Mark Series)

    4 weeks ago
  • 1 Kings 20 (Part 1) Bible Study (Ahab's Wars with Syria/Defeats Ben-hadad) | Pastor Daniel Batarseh

    4 weeks ago
  • A Closer Look at The Day of Christ's Return | Mark 13:24-27 | Pastor Daniel Batarseh (Gospel of Mark Series)

    1 month ago
  • 1 Kings 19 (Part 2) Bible Study (The Lord Speaks to Elijah/Call of Elisha) | Pastor Daniel Batarseh

    1 month ago
  • The Signs of Christ's Coming & The Abomination of Desolation | Mark 13:1-23 | Pastor Daniel Batarseh (Gospel of Mark Series)

    2 months ago
  • Examining The Widow’s Offering | Mark 12:41-44 | Pastor Daniel Batarseh (Gospel of Mark Series)

    2 months ago