New Church for a New Day

New Church for a New Day


We are learning together from the scriptures and each other who we are called to be as church in our world today! We are four pastors from Disciples of Christ congregations in Fort Worth, Texas. We are different races, ages, and genders and have different backgrounds and experiences. Listen as we learn from each other, the scriptures, and you how we might be called as a church today to share God’s love, justice, hope, and healing in a new way.

Recent Episodes

  • Building Bridges in Housing: A Conversation with Bruce Frankel

    2 years ago
  • Building Bridges in Health Care: A Conversation with Marilyn Jones

    2 years ago
  • Building Bridges in Camp & Conference: A Conversation with Heather Reed

    2 years ago
  • Building More Bridges

    2 years ago
  • Relationships Restored: Reconciliation & Restoration

    3 years ago
  • Righting the Wrong: Making Amends

    3 years ago
  • Facing the Oppressed, Facing God: Repentance

    3 years ago
  • The Healing Balm: Seeking and Extending Forgiveness

    3 years ago
  • Confession: Where Healing Begins

    3 years ago
  • Removing Roadblocks to Reconciliation

    3 years ago