Kingdom: A Community Church Podcast

Kingdom: A Community Church Podcast


Kingdom makes an investment in the community so that people can hear the gospel, be saved by the gospel, be built by the gospel, and be sent by the gospel. This podcast shares our weekly Sunday sermon messages from our three pastors and special guest speakers. We hope these messages will bless and encourage you.

Recent Episodes

  • Foundation - Prepared & Sober vs. Panic & Scared

    7 days ago
  • Repentance & Confession: The First Step to Victory

    2 weeks ago
  • God Enjoys the Journey and the Process

    3 weeks ago
  • The Lion Lives In You

    4 weeks ago
  • Our Kids Need Jesus

    1 month ago
  • Some Basic Questions Answered

    1 month ago
  • Hope In Jesus Christ

    2 months ago
  • Death Drawn From Our Bodies in Order To Live

    2 months ago
  • Profiles In Courage

    2 months ago
  • Mountains & Deserts of Metamorphosis

    2 months ago