In the Parish

In the Parish


Sermons and other reflection from an ELCA pastor

Recent Episodes

  • Sermon Nov. 8, 2015 -- God, the Generous Giver

    9 years ago
  • Reformation Sunday -- Re-formed to Re-form -- Oct. 25, 2015

    9 years ago
  • Slave to Ambition

    9 years ago
  • The Lens vs. The Mirror

    9 years ago
  • Kingdom-formed Community

    9 years ago
  • God Loves {insert_name} More

    9 years ago
  • Seeing Potential -- 5th Sunday in Lent

    9 years ago
  • Geeks and the Mirror of the Law

    9 years ago
  • 1st Sunday in Lent -- Signs Signs Everywhere are Signs

    9 years ago
  • Ash Wednesday 2015 -- Happiness and Ashes

    9 years ago