Grace Bible Church | Rainbow City, Alabama

Grace Bible Church | Rainbow City, Alabama


These are the sermons from Pastor Tim Wallace of Grace Bible Church in Rainbow City, Alabama. Tim is a 1987 graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M.). Grace Bible Church seeks to be a Christ exalting fellowship that multiplies believers who love God and love people. Our goal is to “present each person mature in Christ” (Colossians 1:28,29).

Recent Episodes

  • Who Can Bring Us Christmas?

    8 months ago
  • Why We Desperately Need Christmas

    8 months ago
  • Being Loved and Hated at the Same Time

    9 months ago
  • Abiding in the Vine

    9 months ago
  • The Comforter is Coming! Part 2

    9 months ago
  • The Comforter is Coming!

    9 months ago
  • Guest Speaker Bret Ellis

    10 months ago
  • Troubled Hearts and Mind-Blowing Truths

    10 months ago
  • Why did Jesus Choose Judas?

    10 months ago
  • Loving, Serving, Betraying, & Denying

    10 months ago