God Is With Us Christian Church Podcasts

God Is With Us Christian Church Podcasts


God is With Us Christian Church (GWU) is a bilingual Church (Spanish & English) located in Braybrook, Australia, in Melbourne’s West.

Recent Episodes

  • The Power of Forgiveness | El Poder Del Perdon | Ps Maria Varjabedian | God Is With Us

    6 years ago
  • I Am With You | Yo Estoy Contigo | Ps Maria Varjabedian | God Is With Us

    6 years ago
  • Do We Love God more than Anyone or Anything? | Amamos más a Dios que a Cualquier Personda o Cosa? | Ps Miguel Tamayo | God Is With Us

    6 years ago
  • Let’s Be Ready | Estemos Preparados | Gonzalo Torrealba | God Is With Us

    6 years ago
  • Resurrected Life | Vida Resucitada | Ps Maria Varjabedian | God Is With Us

    6 years ago
  • Good Friday and the Lord's Supper | Viernes Santo y Santa Cena | Ps Maria Varjabedian | God Is With Us

    6 years ago
  • Praise & Worship Service | Culto de Alabanza y Adoración | God Is With Us

    6 years ago
  • How Much Time is left for Jesus to Return for His Church? | Cuánto más Tiempo Falta para que Jesús Regrese Por Su Iglesia? | Ps Miguel Tamayo | God Is With Us

    6 years ago
  • My Testimony - Pastor Maria Varjabedian | Mi Testimonio - Pastora Maria Varjabedian | God Is With Us

    6 years ago
  • The Purpose of The Valley | El Proposito del Valle | Gabriel Gonzalez | God Is With Us

    6 years ago