Faith Family Church – Omaha

Faith Family Church – Omaha


Reaching People. Changing Lives. REACHING PEOPLE 1. Helping people find their lives in Christ. 2. Getting people saved. CHANGING LIVES 1. Having people come to the knowledge of the Truth. 2. Help people find their lives in Christ. 3. Help people grow spiritually (becoming a disciple of Christ) so that they can go and make disciples.

Recent Episodes

  • Message 1: Redeemed From The Curse of Poverty and Lack 01-31-2024

    6 months ago
  • Associate Pastor: Pastor Dave White "Thus Far and No Farther!" 01-28-2024

    6 months ago
  • Children's Pastor: Pastor Torisa Walker 01-24-2024

    6 months ago
  • Guest Speaker: Rev. Tony Cooke 01-21-2024

    6 months ago
  • Associate Pastor: Pastor Dave White "The Love of Christ Controls Us" 1-17-2024

    7 months ago
  • Message 3: The Goodness of God 01-14-2024

    7 months ago
  • Message 2: Walking In Christ 01-10-2024

    7 months ago
  • Message 2: The Goodness of God 01-07-2024

    7 months ago
  • Walking In Christ 01-03-2024

    7 months ago
  • Message 1: You Must Know Good From Evil 12-31-2023

    7 months ago