ecclesia: church at the chip

ecclesia: church at the chip


Ecclesia (Church at the Chip) meets at the Buffalo Chip Saloon at 9:00 every Sunday morning in Cave Creek, Arizona. As living witnesses of God’s new creation in Christ Jesus, we are a community of faith, love and hope: Called to faith in the gospel of Jesus; Gathered in love as the community of Jesus; and Sent with hope on mission of Jesus. We invite you to become a part of our community.

Recent Episodes

  • Ambiguity and Grace -- ecclesia unleashed: a study in acts

    10 years ago
  • In Christ Alone: A Study in Colossians (11)

    11 years ago
  • The Gospel Goes to Europe -- ecclesia unleashed: a study in acts

    10 years ago
  • In Christ Alone: A Study in Colossians (12)

    11 years ago
  • Kevin Causey (Guest Speaker)

    9 years ago
  • Religion, Politics and the Scriptures -- ecclesia unleashed: a study in acts

    10 years ago
  • In Christ Alone: A Study in Colossians (13)

    11 years ago
  • Lyman (Guest Speaker)

    9 years ago
  • The Gospel and the Intellectual -- ecclesia unleashed: a study in acts

    10 years ago
  • Shepherds, Sheepfolds and Sheep

    9 years ago