Community Church of West Garden Grove

Community Church of West Garden Grove


Podcast of weekly sermons from Community Church of West Garden Grove by Pastor Eric Williams and guest speakers. CCCWGG is a community of Jesus disciples in Garden Grove, CA. Our church started in 2011 and has worked to love and serve our neighbors since the very beginning. The teaching starts the conversation, and we always do discussion at the end of each sermon…Discussion time is not recorded.

Recent Episodes

  • Mark: Taxes to Caesar

    1 month ago
  • Mark: Wicked Tenants

    2 months ago
  • Mark: Authority

    2 months ago
  • Mark: Killing Trees and Temples

    2 months ago
  • Mark: The 'Triumphal' Entry

    3 months ago
  • Mark: The Rich Young Ruler

    3 months ago
  • Resurrection Sunday: A Strange Ending

    4 months ago
  • Mark:Divorce... and Marriage Vows

    5 months ago
  • Mark: Exclusivity and Extreme Measures

    5 months ago
  • Mark: Children, Disciples and Jesus

    5 months ago