Chelten – a church of hope

Chelten – a church of hope


Chelten – a church of hope exists to worship the triune God, to nurture his family and to share his gospel of hope. We are a community of people brought together by the Gospel—that God the Father cared so much for us who live in a broken world that he sent his son Jesus to be the solution for all of humanity’s needs so that his Spirit would live in us forever, we with him and with each other.

Recent Episodes

  • Imaging God’s Community

    2 weeks ago
  • The Beauty of Biblical Singleness in God's Design

    3 weeks ago
  • Conquering Marriage Conflicts

    4 weeks ago
  • Marriage: God's Blueprint for Companionship

    1 month ago
  • God's Design for Sexuality: Sacred, Not Just an Appetite

    1 month ago
  • Male and Female

    2 months ago
  • Dust and Image

    2 months ago
  • The Goodness of Human Limitation

    2 months ago
  • Life With God

    2 months ago
  • Created with a Purpose: Embracing Our God-Given Worth

    3 months ago