The Gate of Heaven
by Our Saviour Lutheran Church
April 26, 2021 11:34 am
“The Gate of Heaven” is a weekly podcast of the sermons preached by the Rev’d Charles L. McClean, pastor of Our Saviour Lutheran Church (LCMS) in Baltimore, Maryland. The sermon texts are drawn from the Gregorian/Anglo-Lutheran pericopes of the historic Western One-Year Lectionary, which remains in use in many member congregations of the LCMS. Are you looking for a church home in Baltimore? Are you visiting our fair city and in need of a place of worship while you’re here? Come to Our Saviour Church and hear the fullness of God’s Word proclaimed: Jesus Christ died for your sins and rose for your justification! Come, receive His Body and His Blood, given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation. Our Saviour celebrates Holy Communion every Sunday in the historic Lutheran liturgical tradition of the Common Service. As a member congregation of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, she joyfully confesses the prophetic and apostolic Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the inspired and inerrant Word of God, and she adheres without reservation to the Book of Concord of 1580 as being in full accord with the Scriptures. Jubilate, The Third Sunday after Easter April 25, 2021 AD Old Testament: Isaiah 40:25-31 Epistle: 1 Peter 2:11-20 Gospel: John 16:16-22 Click here to listen and subscribe to Pastor McClean’s sermons on iTunes. Listen to the service:
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