Martin Luther’s Sermons

Martin Luther’s Sermons


This podcast is the audio of Martin Luther’s sermon, read by Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller of Hope Lutheran Church, Aurora, CO.

Recent Episodes

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  • Martin Luther's Sermon on the End Times (Matthew 24:15-25, Trinity 25, House Postil)

    8 years ago
  • Martin Luther's Sermon on Two Miracles (Matthew 9:18-26, House Postil, Trinity 24)

    8 years ago
  • Martin Luther's Sermon on Matthew 22:15-22, Give Unto Caesar what Is Caesar's (House Postil, Trinity 23)

    8 years ago
  • Martin Luther's Sermon on the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18:21-35, Trinity 22, House Postil)

    8 years ago
  • Martin Luther's Sermon on John 4:46-54 (Trinity 21, House Postil)

    8 years ago
  • Martin Luther's Sermon on Matthew 22:1-13 (Trinity 20, House Postil)

    8 years ago
  • Martin Luther's Sermon on Matthew 9:1-8, the Forgiveness and Healing of the Man with Palsy (Trinity 19, House Postil)

    8 years ago
  • Martin Luther's Sermon on the Feast with the Pharisee (Luke 14:1-11, Trinity 17, House Postil)

    8 years ago
  • Martin Luther's Sermon on the Raising of the Widow of Nain's Son (Luke 7:11-17, Trinity 16, House Postil)

    8 years ago