Oriel College Chapel Services

Oriel College Chapel Services


Anglican church services including sermons and choral music, produced by Oriel College, University of Oxford.

Recent Episodes

  • Out of the Jaws

    11 years ago
  • Ascension Day

    11 years ago
  • After the Ascension: Real Presence or Real Absence?

    11 years ago
  • Resurrecting Hope: Murder, Mystery and Redemption

    11 years ago
  • The Horror or the Glory?: Terence Malick's The Thin Red Line

    11 years ago
  • Painting in vermilion

    11 years ago
  • Theophany: God's appearing act

    11 years ago
  • Remembering the Shoah

    12 years ago
  • What God is calling us to do

    12 years ago
  • Reading the signs of the times

    12 years ago