Homilies from Good Shepherd Episcopal Church- Tequesta

Homilies from Good Shepherd Episcopal Church- Tequesta


Tune in each week to listen to homilies from Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Tequesta, FL. Find out more about our mission and ministry at www.GoodShepOnline.org.

Recent Episodes

  • Hope After Herod's Banquet

    3 days ago
  • Casting Out, Welcoming In

    2 weeks ago
  • Miracles Lived Out

    3 weeks ago
  • The Face of Jesus

    4 weeks ago
  • The Speed of Poetry, The Speed of God

    1 month ago
  • Fajitas, Relationship, and Forgiveness

    1 month ago
  • Hallowed Rest

    2 months ago
  • Sitting in the Exit Row

    2 months ago
  • With Sighs Too Deep for Words

    2 months ago
  • Why are We Here?

    2 months ago