Well and Informed

Well and Informed


Well & Informed is a faith-based platform that shares resources and informational perspectives regarding life, learned through life’s lessons, and a myriad of people from all walks of life that can share their life’s journey in hopes to edify one another. Foundational based scripture: Ephesians : 4:29 New International version 29.Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. African proverb: If you want to go fast go alone, but if you want to go far… go together!

Recent Episodes

  • Physical Stewardship - The Body Is A Temple [featuring Dani Penelope]

    6 months ago
  • 11. Saved By Grace (Pt. 2) | Overcoming Addiction [featuring Ruben Mondalto]

    9 months ago
  • 10. Saved By Grace (Pt. 1): Overcoming Addiction [featuring Isaiah Lee]

    9 months ago
  • 9. Love Beyond Walls (Pressing Towards the Mark) [featuring Dr. Terence Lester]

    9 months ago
  • 8. The Intersectionality of Faith and Mental Health [featuring Candace Writes]

    12 months ago
  • 7. Fight On, Don’t Give Up

    1 year ago
  • 6. Welcome Back

    2 years ago
  • 5. Letting Go [featuring Jessica Hughee]

    2 years ago
  • 4. Getting Started: Part 2 [featuring Jessica Hughee]

    3 years ago
  • 3. Getting Started: Part 1 [featuring Jessica Hughee]

    3 years ago