Walking It Out : The Bible In Real Life

Walking It Out : The Bible In Real Life


Welcome to the Walking It Out podcast! Pastor Brad Kirby shares weekly resources and encouragement from the Word of God to strengthen, exhort and convict our faith in every area of life. We talk marriage, children, family, ministry, work, discipleship, joy, difficulty, … you know … living for Jesus … in REAL LIFE. Brad is a husband, father, pastor, disciple and just a overall real normal dude!

Recent Episodes

  • The Church Hopper

    8 months ago
  • The Whiner

    9 months ago
  • The Nostalgist

    9 months ago
  • Justification Confusion

    1 year ago
  • Lazy Hearing

    2 years ago
  • Abiding In The Word

    2 years ago
  • What If I Believe In God, But Not Jesus?

    3 years ago
  • Unsubscribe From Worldy Regret

    3 years ago
  • Unsubscribe From Bitterness

    3 years ago
  • Unsubscribe From Worry

    3 years ago