This Life of Faith

This Life of Faith


This Life of Faith is a show that is meant to encourage you in your faith.
Let’s face it, life can be really hard sometimes. If someone told you that life was going to be easy once you became a follower of Jesus, they lied to you.
Life is hard. But it is also a marvelous gift from God. And the hard times are necessary for you to become the man or woman that He wants you to be.
There are no shortcuts.
But you are not alone. God does not intend for you to figure it out, all by yourself.
On This Life of Faith, I’ll be telling you about some things I have discovered that have enabled me to survive some incredibly difficult times. And not only survive, but actually grow stronger in my faith, in the face of situations that, without my faith in God, would have caused me to throw in the towel and, frankly, check out.
I hope you’ll join me in this weekly podcast, and I hope you will tell a friend that is going through hard times right now.
I’ll be publishing a new show every Wednesday, with each episode being about fifteen minutes long.
You’ll get an honest, unvarnished look into the struggles that I have faced and am currently facing, and I’ll let you know how God is helping me through.

Recent Episodes

  • TLOF003: This Life Of Faith “Steven’s Story Completed” or “So Much For Which To Be Thankful!”

    11 years ago
  • TLOF002: This Life Of Faith “Where Does Faith Come From?”

    11 years ago
  • TLOF001: This Life Of Faith “What’s This All About?”

    11 years ago
  • This Life of Faith Prelaunch Show!

    11 years ago