Think on These Things

Think on These Things


Think on These Things is a Christian blog containing encouraging and inspiring articles written by Paul and Gerald Graham. (If you prefer to listen to the audio version, click on the title of the post you want to hear). has been said that politicians would not have to mend their fences so often if they had not sat on them so much. A man who straddles the fence isn’t going very far in any direction. In fact, he will be hung up for the rest of his life.

Progress and the onward march of Christian moral values demand inspired and highly motivated leaders. Leadership is no place for men and women who hesitate to take a stand on critical issues; who look to see who is smiling at them or who is frowning at them before they cast their vote. Someone once said that we have the best leadership that money can buy. There is more truth than humor in that statement.

Our Nation is wallowing in moral slime worse than anything since Sodom and Gomorrah. And it’s not only because of our leaders, it also because too many people have forgotten to pray for our Nation. Too many people have neglected their responsibility at the polls. If they vote at all, they choose to ignore candidates whose moral values are above reproach. They vote for candidates who promise everything but who stand for nothing. We get the leaders we deserve! God wants us to have the best. And He’ll help us get it if we will call on Him.

Paul Graham

Recent Episodes

  • All That Money Can Buy

    18 years ago
  • The Gladiators

    18 years ago
  • The Godly Constitution

    18 years ago
  • The Good Old Ways

    18 years ago
  • Rub it In, Rub it In!

    18 years ago
  • You Got a License for That?

    18 years ago
  • If You're Gonna Dance...

    18 years ago
  • Stick With It!

    18 years ago
  • A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

    18 years ago
  • Too Big For Your Britches

    18 years ago