Servant Of the Most High

Servant Of the Most High


Through every dark night, there’s a brighter day. With inspiration from the word of God and personal experiences, I hope to bring a dim of light at your dark tunnel.

Recent Episodes

  • Being worthy of his Kingdom!

    11 months ago
  • What is the kingdom of God like?

    1 year ago
  • The Heart of Intimacy with God. Part 2

    1 year ago
  • The heart of intimacy with God. Part 1

    1 year ago
  • The fall and redemption of man. Part 2

    1 year ago
  • The fall and redemption of man. Part 1

    1 year ago
  • Creation and the fall. Part 2

    1 year ago
  • Creation and the fall. Part 1

    1 year ago
  • Who is God? Part 2

    1 year ago
  • Who is God? Part 1

    1 year ago