Revival Now

Revival Now


Revival Now is a ministry that is dedicated to personal revival of the believer. Pastor Michael Otano has produced numerous preachings/teachings series, covering a plethora of topics, to renew the mind of the believer with the word of God. His profound yet simplistic approach unlocks the understanding for all: to be born again and live a life committed to Jesus Christ. His goal is to see the body of Christ live in God’s abounding overflow.

Recent Episodes

  • How to Receive the Holy Ghost Pt. 2 (Empowerment Series)

    1 month ago
  • Understanding the Baptism of the Holy Ghost Pt. 1 (Empowerment Series)

    2 months ago
  • The Great American Eclipse

    2 months ago
  • The Great American Eclipse

    2 months ago
  • Hide the Evidence

    3 months ago
  • The Suffering of Christ

    3 months ago
  • The Same Crowd

    3 months ago
  • Don't Dis the Holy Ghost

    4 months ago
  • Are You Available?

    4 months ago
  • The Precious Seed

    4 months ago