Rejoicing Daily

Rejoicing Daily


It’s easy to get caught up in the day to day necessities of life. Each day can bring obstacles to overcome, hardship and events that bring laughter and joy to our hearts. But, do we realize that each and every moment of every day is filled with blessings. Those blessings may look different and may cause a myriad of emotions, but we can rejoice in each finding the beauty and love we are called to receive and share from others.

Recent Episodes

  • Accept Responsibility for Your Actions not the Actions of Other People

    10 years ago
  • You Don’t Have to Homeschool ALL of Your Children

    10 years ago
  • Homeschooling With a Large Family

    10 years ago
  • Homeschooling Children with Special Needs

    10 years ago
  • Adoption and Foster Care

    10 years ago
  • Mentoring Others by Building Relationships and Trust

    10 years ago
  • Homeschooling With Littles (and a little about Canadian Homeschooling)

    10 years ago
  • Homeschooling Can Be a Ministry

    10 years ago
  • Keeping Homeschool Simple

    10 years ago
  • Rejoicing Daily with Israel Wayne

    10 years ago