Over The Road Bible

Over The Road Bible


OTR Bible is for truckers and professional drivers who want Bible teaching and encouragement. To learn more about TFC Global and how our chaplaincy services can serve you around the US visit https://tfcglobal.org/ and to support this podcast and the Denver Area chaplain visit https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=HCW3Q5VPCKYGG

Recent Episodes

  • John 6:1-21 - Jesus feeds 5,000

    5 months ago
  • John 5:19-47 Jesus' relationship to the Father

    5 months ago
  • Merry Christmas 2023

    6 months ago
  • John 5:1-18 - Healing at the Pool of Bethsaida

    6 months ago
  • John 4:46-54 Jesus Heals the Official's Son

    6 months ago
  • John 4:1-45 Jesus and the Samaritan Woman at the Well

    6 months ago
  • John 3:22-36 - John and another Pharisee, Purification and Pride

    7 months ago
  • John 3:1-21 - Jesus and Nicodemus

    7 months ago
  • John 2:13-25 - Jesus Clears Out the Temple in Jerusalem

    7 months ago
  • John 2:1-12 - The Wedding Feast at Cana

    7 months ago