My Voice, HIS Script

My Voice, HIS Script


You are hearing my voice, but the scripts I read from are definitely not mine, rather they are inspired by God. This podcast is the audio version of the angiesmilesblog.wordpress which has blessed a lot of people over the years. It shall be a regular inspiration for your walk with God through inspired by the simplest and unassuming life occurrences. Journey with me as I tell these stories with love, humor, and faith.

Recent Episodes

  • Mother's Day Edition

    3 years ago
  • Business with GOD: Derrick’s Journey

    3 years ago
  • A different Perspective: Rachel‘s Story.

    3 years ago
  • A Tale of 3 Cities: a girl and her God.

    3 years ago
  • Of Bracelets and "Destiny Helpers".

    4 years ago
  • The Incense of Survival

    4 years ago
  • God's 'Confusion' in 3D

    4 years ago
  • Holy Child School, or Nothing!

    4 years ago
  • The Snake under My Pillow

    4 years ago
  • Tilapia Sauce and Israel's Manna

    4 years ago