Loss, Light & Laughter

Loss, Light & Laughter


Loss, Light & Laughter is an inspirational show about laughter after tragedy. Michelle A. interviews guests from all over the world. Each guest share about a significant loss in their life, where is God in the midst of loss (aka The Light) and the first time they laughed after the loss. Tune into heartfelt stories that will uplift and brighten your day. Get the word out by subscribing, downloading and sharing Loss, Light & Laughter with your friends and family.

Remember when you’re laughing, you’re healing.

Recent Episodes

  • The Loss of Employment Created a Gain in Faith

    4 weeks ago
  • The Loss of my Brother and Parents with guest Sheila Jones

    1 month ago
  • I Lost My Rock (My Father) with guest Jam Harris

    1 month ago
  • I Lost My Father and Gained My Dad with guest Kaitlyn

    2 months ago
  • Losing the Old to Embrace the New with guest Fabi Payton

    2 months ago
  • The Loss of Laughter with guest Nathan Wray

    3 months ago
  • The Loss of My Husband and Two Sons with guest Bobbye Keyes

    3 months ago
  • Triple Losses = Strengthened Faith with guest Erica Marbury

    3 months ago
  • The Loss of Truth: I Married a Con Man with guest Edwina Adams

    3 months ago
  • Losing My Identity while Serving in Ministry with guest LaShonda LaShell

    3 months ago