Life Worth Living | Motivational And Inspirational With Mike Afflerbach

Life Worth Living | Motivational And Inspirational With Mike Afflerbach


People ask all the time, what is the purpose of this life? The answer is to live in relationship with God (the “I AM”) through Jesus (one and only Son) by the leading of the Holy Spirit (Spirt of God). This podcast is designed to motivate, inspire and excite you to live that Life Worth Living each and every day. You get to choose each day how you live and who you are… what will it be? Welcome to Life Worth Living!!!

Recent Episodes

  • Do you eat your own vomit!!!

    4 months ago
  • The meaning of life and God’s will for you part 3

    4 months ago
  • The meaning of life and God’s will for you part 2

    5 months ago
  • The meaning of life and God’s will for you Part 1.

    5 months ago
  • You Are Not Alone

    1 year ago
  • What Word Do You Live In

    3 years ago
  • Find Your Peace

    3 years ago
  • Bible Story Series 2 (Creation)

    4 years ago
  • Bible Story Series 1(Creation)

    4 years ago
  • Do You Like Dirt In Your Mouth

    4 years ago