Following Jesus Doesn’t Suck

Following Jesus Doesn’t Suck


Some people think following Jesus is boring or lifeless. We disagree. This podcast with Brant Cole and John Jones is about helping you follow Jesus with confidence and enthusiasm.

Recent Episodes

  • 008: Confident Together

    4 years ago
  • 007: Life-Changing Confidence

    4 years ago
  • 006: Powerful Prayer

    4 years ago
  • 005: Confidence In Your Destiny

    4 years ago
  • 004 BONUS: How To Fill Up On Jesus

    4 years ago
  • 004: Real Faith

    4 years ago
  • 003: Real Love Revealed

    4 years ago
  • 002: Generous Loving

    4 years ago
  • 001: Heavenly Grace

    4 years ago
  • Podcast Preview

    4 years ago