Encouraging Others Through Christ – gspn.tv

Encouraging Others Through Christ – gspn.tv


Launched in April 2006, this podcast, originally named the “About The Church” podcast, has journeyed through a remarkable evolution. Its inception saw me, your host, deeply rooted in fundamentalist, evangelical Christianity, even holding the title of associate pastor. However, over time, my spiritual perspectives have shifted. In 2011, the podcast took a turn when I broke ties with the traditional institution of the church and “performance-based Christianity,” prompting a rebranding of the show to ‘Encouraging Others Through Christ.’ As we journeyed through 2011 to 2020, the content leaned into orthodox, evangelical beliefs but explored the concept of having a relationship with God and fellowship with other Christians outside what is typically known as “the local church.” However, the year 2020 marked a new era for the EOTC podcast, and for me, as it saw the dawn of my ‘Spiritual Awakening’ and the initiation of my ‘Deconstruction Journey.’ This journey was an exploration of my relationship with God through the diverse spiritual experiences of people beyond the Orthodox Christian Worldview. While I still find The Bible inspiring, my spiritual lens now accommodates perspectives from Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Shamanism, New Age Spiritualism, and many other spiritual paths, infusing these learnings into our discussions since Episode 135. I still identify as a Christ Follower, but my contemporary interpretation of Christianity is seen as heretical and apostate by a large percentage of those from my religious upbringing. The name of the podcast remains unchanged as I believe in encouraging others through “Christ Consciousness” which is also known by many other names such as Universal Consciousness and Cosmic Consciousness to name a few. Are you on a Spiritual Awakening journey or stepping away from long-held beliefs through a Deconstruction process? The purpose of this podcast is to provide a safe space where we can map out our unique spiritual paths, cultivate a network of fellow seekers, and evolve together in our pursuit of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. Welcome aboard! – Cliff Ravenscraft

Recent Episodes

  • 156 - Navigating Faith Together: The Marriage Journey Through Spiritual Transformation

    10 months ago
  • 155 - Navigating Self vs. Selfish: The Balance of Awakening

    10 months ago
  • 154 - Demystifying the Law of Attraction: A Workshop with Cliff Ravenscraft

    11 months ago
  • 153 - Inner Truth and Evolving Perspectives: My Heart-to-Heart with Lori Hammond

    11 months ago
  • 152 - Is the Bible God's Sole Blueprint for Our Spiritual Connection?

    11 months ago
  • 151 - Stepping Outside the Evangelical House - An Amazing Metaphor from Pete Briscoe

    11 months ago
  • 150 - Beyond The Bible - A Journey to Understanding: Probing Questions with Brian Dixon

    11 months ago
  • 149 - Spiritual Awakening & Deconstruction - Ask Me Anything! | Clubhouse Room Reply from Wedneday, July 19th, 2023

    11 months ago
  • 148 - Spiritual Awakening & Deconstruction - Ask Me Anything! | Clubhouse Room Reply from Friday, July 14th, 2023

    12 months ago
  • 147 - Facing The Fear of Being Shunned: Navigating Spiritual Awakening & Deconstruction

    12 months ago